What would you change in your life with a Basic Income?
Win 1–5 years of Unconditional Basic Income (UBI) and experience what it feels like.

people worldwide want to experience Basic Income!
Help funding the next UBI
Financed by all of us – the citizens of the world
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About the UBI winners

UBI from July 2021 to June 2022
Basic income makes life easier. Lucie from France, the winner of the first Basic Income, can confirm this. The basic income gave her a lot of security in a difficult situation after an accident. She has found a very interesting job in Paris working in cancer research, which is very fulfilling for her.
UBI from October 2021 to September 2022
Thomas from Ireland could not believe that he had won. He thought it was a spam email. His joy was even greater when he realised that he had really won. The UBI mainly helps him focussing on university.

UBI from July 2022 to December 2022
Balázs won our special raffle. In order to push the final spurt of the collection of signatures of the ECI Basic Income, we raffled off half a year of basic income. Balázs lives in a small town just outside Budapest, the beautiful Hungarian capital. He is currently studying environmental engineering, which was the reason why he did not join our raffle, and only learnt he was the winner afterwards. He had an exam and was studying, and did not even get our email until the next day. Imagine his surprise!

UBI from July 2023 to June 2024
Introducing Alexandra, our 4th UBI4ALL winner from Germany! She passionately believes that everyone should have access to Universal Basic Income (UBI). On one hand, she champions the idea of financial security for all. On the other hand, she's still amazed that she's now a recipient herself!

UBI from Januar 2024 to December 2024
Our 5th UBI4ALL winner is from France, once again! Christelle works as a social worker and is excited about her Basic Income year. Congratulations, Christelle

UBI from July 2024 to June 2025
Congratulations to our 6th UBI4ALL winner from Greece! Athanasios works in a factory with an income of under €1,000 net per month. The UBI will be a great help, allowing him to enjoy some activities with his wife, who works as an administrative assistant, and their 2-year-old child.

UBI from December 2024 to November 2025
The first global winner (Raffle #7), Yi Yin from Taiwan, marks an exciting milestone for our Global Basic Income Initiative. Yi Yin plans to save part of her winnings, which gives her a sense of self-confidence. She will also invest some in educating herself in areas of personal interest, with the hope of changing her career path in the future. Her goal is to leave behind jobs she only took to survive and focus on work she truly enjoys. She sincerely hopes that everyone in the world can pursue their true aspirations without having to worry about basic needs like food and shelter.
What would YOU do with a Basic Income of € 800 per month? Do you want to be the next lucky winner? Register now for free for our next raffle! Would you also like to support us? You can donate here in order to let someone experience Basic Income in real life.
Any Questions? Need Help?
Unconditional Basic Income is a monthly payment to each citizen guaranteed by the government. Throughout the (European) UBI network it is defined by four aspects:
Enough for living and for cultural and social participation
For every single person
Enforceable as a human right
No strings attached
Sometimes it is also called Universal Basic Income. We see the UBI as a paradigm shift that will transform our societies for the future by separating income and employment. We see it as a human right and it should be as self-evident as health insurance for everyone. In the UBI4ALL raffle a Basic Income is defined by an amount of 9,600€.
UBI4ALL raffles off Unconditional Basic Incomes (UBI). Each person who wins, receives a monthly transfer directly to her/his bank account, receiving € 9,600 in total. The registration for the raffle is free of charge. Every person aged minimum 16 years is eligible to register for the raffle. For each raffle participants get a new lot number. The draw of the lot number will be shown for the public via livestream or similar way. To ensure that UBI4ALL’s life-changing impact is distributed equitably across global income levels, the total sum of €9,600 remains the same for every winner, but the monthly amounts and payout periods will vary based on the winner’s country of residence:
· Low-IncomeCountries (e.g., Ethiopia, Yemen, India):
Winners will receive €160 per month for 5 years
· Lower-Middle-IncomeCountries (e.g., Ghana, Albania, Georgia):
Winners will receive €200 per month for 4 years
· Upper-Middle-IncomeCountries (e.g., Thailand, Ukraine, Mexico):
Winners will receive €267 per month for 3 years
· High-IncomeCountries Non-OECD (e.g., Turkey, Argentina, Greece): Winners will receive €400per month for 2 years
· High-IncomeCountries OECD (e.g., Japan, Italy, Australia):
Winners will receive €800 per month for 1 year
If you're a so-called ‘UBI Beaver’, you're conveniently entered into every raffle automatically. Then you don’t need to register for the raffle each time like Non-Beavers have to. ‘UBI Beavers’ give a monthly donation of the amount they like – minimum € 1. A beaver is considered as a hearty animal that is very strong and likes to reshape its environment.
If you win we will contact you promptly by email. Please make sure that our emails do not end up in the spam filter. Additionally, you can sign-up for our newsletter easily. From time to time the newsletter informs you about the next raffle date, the results of the raffle and news from UBI4ALL. We raffle off Basic Income transparently via livestream. You will get the livestream link by our newsletter and on our social media channels.
Countries mostly have different tax laws. In some countries you don't have to pay tax on the UBI profit, in others it is taxed at a flat rate, in still others it is taxed in proportion to your income.
In special situations, such as state social benefits, you may have to report the UBI gain immediately and it will be imputed. However, a UBI is always a gain.
By donations only! All team members work honorary, without getting a salary for their work. The donations are split into two pots. The bulk of the donations flow into the Basic Income we raffle off. The remaining part of donations covers our costs like IT tools and fees, mailing provider, bank and payment fees, legal and tax costs and others.
UBI4ALL is a European non-profit organisation founded in 2020. Its goal is to let people experience Basic Income in real life and so enrich the public debates about UBI. Furthermore, UBI4ALL advocates for UBI as a human right which shall erase poverty, reduce stress and enable more time for innovation and caring for people and nature.
The project was built up in cooperation with the team of the European Citizens’ Initiative for an Unconditional Basic Income (ECI-UBI) 2020-2022. It was inspired by Mein Grundeinkommen which raffles off Basic Income very successfully in the German speaking countries. The team of UBI4ALL consists of Basic Income activists from several countries. The legal entity behind UBI4ALL is the German non-profit organisation EBI Politische Teilhabe in Europa gemeinnützige UG.
We encourage people from all over the world to take part in our regular raffles at UBI4ALL (to participate you have to be 16 years old minimum). First, you have to register at the UBI4ALL website and get a personal account. Then you need to register for the raffle each time – unless you are a so-called ‘UBI Beaver’ who voluntarily makes a monthly donation.
Every time we have funded € 9600 we send you emails informing you about the date of the next raffle event and your lot number. We also mention the raffle date on our website. A ‘UBI Beaver’ is conveniently entered into every raffle automatically. Non-Beavers have to register for every single raffle.
You can find out whether you won by watching our livestream on the day of the raffle. If you won, we will inform you via email shortly after.
No. One person is eligible to win one UBI only. For every raffle we exclude the winners of the past.
We distance ourselves from racism, sexism and group-based misanthropy. However, for our raffles we do not conduct an attitude test. This means that theoretically Elon Musk, Donald Trump or Alice Weidel can also win. The Basic Income we give away is unconditional and for everyone who is eligible.
In the participating form you have to fill in your first name, last name, birth date and resident country exactly as in your ID card. If you win the UBI you have to show us your ID card, we check the data and we also check the picture. So no cheating is possible.
There are many ways to support us. One is to become a ‘UBI Beaver’, who is conveniently entered into every raffle automatically. Then you don’t need to register for the raffle each time like Non-Beavers have to.
‘UBI Beavers’ give a monthly donation of the amount they like – minimum € 1.
If you simply wish to donate to our project, please use our donation page or just use the bank transfer details:
EBI Politische Teilhabe in Europa gUG
IBAN: DE39 4265 1315 0000 0948 47
For a donation receipt please ask on info@ubi4all.org.
Our aim is to spur the worldwide discussion and motivate you to talk about UBI with as many people as possible. You can support us by asking your family and friends: What would you change in your life if you get a UBI? We promise, you will get inspiring answers and very interesting discussions.
Please share our website on social media, WhatsApp, other messengers or just via email to your family and friends. Therefore, we make an effort to present our website in your preferred language. Also, if you like to help by becoming a team member please write us to info@ubi4all.org.